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Subject Topic: What ISO to use?? Post Reply Post New Topic
Message posted by realtor jerry on June-18-2008 at 8:14am
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realtor jerry
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Thanks for the comments and help. My equipment states that I am using the Nikon D300 & 10.5 lens. However, I was using the Nikon 8700 set-up when these were shot. I have since moved to the D300 and am now in a new learning curve and taking some lessons from Smooth, which I can highly recommend. I'll have a look at that E-book Peanut and thanks.
I know $100 is cheap, you said all 5 tours, there are actually 10 tours in that one. I also provide a branded and a unbranded version with a .swf intro. Also included is a .swf slideshow of the stills I take and posting to Realtor.com. Of course I don't have to depend on this for a living or I would be in trouble. I only do this for agents in my office. If I can ever get up to speed with the D300 I hope to move on to bigger and better things in this line of work.

Nikon D300, D3s, Nikon 10.5 lens, RingT105N+Footplate+MrotatorTCPs, Giottos MT9261 Tripod, Manfrotto 410 Jr geared head.

If you know the "secret" then everyday is a good day!

Message posted by Peanut on June-18-2008 at 10:27am
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I also have had a D300 for about 2 months now.  Just back from a 2 week (2,000 shots/30+ gigs) photo trip in Arizona putting the camera through its paces. Love it even more. Thom Hogan's e-book is a "must have". Check his website out as see all his reviews - he is the Nikon guru. www.bythom.com

Just out of interest, how many hours does it take you to create 10 tours for your fellow Realtors? Shooting time & processing time must be a full day's work?While I am still learning to use the software it seems to take me up to an hour just to get one tour to stitch together.

I am building a website for pro photography and will be offering Easypano tours as well as lower priced conventional type VT's. You are well ahead of me so hope I can learn for your experiences.

Message posted by tbrusson on June-22-2008 at 2:57pm
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The noise is related to the iso but one has to take into consideration the camera itself.

Some camera are just better than other to handle high iso without having too much noise.

it's true that low iso mean less noise but with the latest camera, one can consider higher iso.

Until now the canon eos 5D was one of the best camera to handle relatively clean image at high iso.

The nikon D300 is even better and it apparently can provide some of the best shot at high iso (comparaison can be found at www.dpreview.com )


Message posted by realtor jerry on June-22-2008 at 5:53pm
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realtor jerry
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Thanks for all the info. I have not made any tours as of yet with the D300. Trying to get my head around it before I commit to any paid work. I have ordered a 2 DVD set from elitevideo.com that claims to cover EVERYTHING about the D300. I will keep you posted as to wheather they are worth the money or not. They have a short video on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3lhyUNapqs .
Peanut, you ask how long it takes me to put a tour together. Start to finish if I don't have to make a new branded skin is about 12 hours. I hope to get that down to about 6 hours with all the help, short cuts, tips and tricks I learn on this forum.

Nikon D300, D3s, Nikon 10.5 lens, RingT105N+Footplate+MrotatorTCPs, Giottos MT9261 Tripod, Manfrotto 410 Jr geared head.

If you know the "secret" then everyday is a good day!

Message posted by tturner on June-25-2008 at 2:23am
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I do not mean to be rude but 12 hours or more work for $100.00 is the problem with real estate photography.  You cannot make a living with the overhead of professional equipment at $12.00/hr or less.  Also, agents will not hire someone more expensive as long as someone in the market is willing to do it cheaper.  Jerry your quality is better than most real estate work so why sell yourself short?  You are cheating yourself from what you deserve and help set a benchmark that other photographers cannot touch. Once you throw in the high price of gas, drive time and posting fees for a tour the profit margin goes down even further.  Industry under pricing whether intentional or not in the end hurts all of the players in the game.  Jerry, please do not take this as a personal attack on you but just my thoughts on the real estate pano business as a whole.  Low pricing and high expenses in my market have all but made me to abandon real estate photography as a viable revenue source. 

Good luck with the new camera...
p.s. There is plenty of work for all so why go cheap?


Message posted by realtor jerry on June-25-2008 at 8:01am
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realtor jerry
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I agree with you 100% TTurner. The problem is most agents use slideshows and call that a virtual tour, and get away with it. As a Realtor myself I understand where the agent is coming from. If they pay 2 or 300 bucks and after commission split on a 150K house they will be lucky to net $1000. Then the problem is what if the house does not sell. They are out all their expenses. I know a 150K house is cheap for most areas but here it is the bread and butter house.
But as I said I only charge $100 for in-house agents. That also helps me as they will give me a referral before others. Other agents I will charge at least $150 for a basic tour. However I have not gone after that market yet. I need to get this new equipment up and running. I would love to get away from real estate VT's but have to get better before I feel comfortable asking the big bucks.
Thanks for the comments and no offense taken as I do agree with you. Thanks for the comments on my quality.

Nikon D300, D3s, Nikon 10.5 lens, RingT105N+Footplate+MrotatorTCPs, Giottos MT9261 Tripod, Manfrotto 410 Jr geared head.

If you know the "secret" then everyday is a good day!

Message posted by Hawkaye007 on July-03-2008 at 1:05pm
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Jerry, interesting that you charge per tour for real estate, here in the sunny South, I charge realtors $25/360, min. of $125.  I use stock skins, any thing custom cost more.  Photoshopping images to remove realtor signs (MLS requirement), and other image editing is charged at standard rate of $35/hr.  I don't do may real estate properties, trying to focus on commercial and yachts.  As most know, the real estate market is still, uh, 'slow' and if things aren't moving, then realtors aren't investing in too much marketing.  Myself, my wife, and my father were all realtors here, now my father is the only one to stick it out.  It's tough out there, but I love the freedom and creativity of working for myself.

Donald Hill
Nikon D200 | Nikon 10.5 | Nodal Ninja 5L | PW 5 | TW 3

Message posted by 360texas on July-03-2008 at 3:54pm
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Hmm  6% (3+3% split) on $150,000 is $9,000.  And yes, even here in Texas its a slow market.  Glad I did not get involved.

Forum Moderator for
EasyPano - Panoweaver

Visit 360texas.com

Message posted by Peanut on July-03-2008 at 10:18pm
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Jerry I am still having my website built so won't be in business for a month or more. I expect my mainstream real estate photography to come from pans and zooms through still pictures. These are quick and easy to do so the prices can reflect.  However Panoweaver tours are something else.  I plan on charging much higher rates for those. A one room Panoweaver tour will be 2 to 3 times the cost of 4 still picture pan/zoom VT's & 6 still pictures. I doubt many Realtors will pay the extra cost for Panoweaver other than for high end property, but they make a good talking point and demonstrate well.

I am also a Realtor and know how hard times are having had little income this year. Most Realtors just don't have any money. I plan on offering both low cost basic tours as well as higher end tours.

Just as an aside I will also be offering Podcasts and audio links for Realtors.  

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