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Subject Topic: A Challenge to Easypano Post Reply Post New Topic
Message posted by RainMan on March-03-2005 at 12:55pm
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In the mainpage, easypano shows that they have a lot of customers like seimens, intel, fbi! and many others.
I think this is fake after a lot of research. There are reasons.
I challenge easypano to show websites on FBI, etc to show any links that these are using the software and if the have made tours etc.

It is obvious for me that easypano wants people to think that easypano is has legal software so people will buy it whereas it infringes the patent of ip*x.

I hope that I am wrong and if you can prove it then please prove it.

My Sincere regards,
a potential customer
I will buy only if it turns out legit.

It is obvious

Message posted by RainMan on March-03-2005 at 3:02pm
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In the iPix site, it says the Easypano (in the FAQ) is infringing their patents. Not to mention that iPix is running after the commercial users of virtual tour software.

This makes me worry if I become an easypano customer and I use many immersive tours and make adds on the internet that iPix will email me and tell me that I'm using an illegal sowftware.

So this is a question for the easypano users which I might ask myself one day. What makes you think if your business really grows on the internet with using easypano, that iPix will not email you or call you and tell you you're using an illegal software ?

What would you do in this case , yes ?

You would have to stop and rebuild with iPix the virtual tours for all your customers whom you used easypano to make tours because your customers would be angry if you just stopped the tours for them. So you'd have to rebuild everything using iPix.

Some might say if this happens to us we would reply to iPix and just keep on the easypano tours up on the site, but if this happens to me I wouldn'r risk keeping my easypano tours up when we're all used to seeing how iPix keeps on suing everybody.

So what do I want ?
I want the proof...

I want easypano to show me that intel, seimens and FBI are using their software as the say on the first page.

I want to see the links and tours to beleive...
(if they really exist)

Thank you

It is obvious

Message posted by phoenixrising on March-03-2005 at 3:09pm
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Rainman... this discussion has been fielded many times on this forum. I'd advise you research somewhat further into theIp*x issue before being to dogmatic. The reality is that ip*x itself has patent issues and problems. Do some resaerch on Ford Oxxal and have a word around other tour stiching sites. I for one don't really know what the true status is and Easypano won't be drawn into an online debate. Do the research and make your own choises... but whatever you do... don't believe everything you see on the ip*x site.

Wishing you well...

If I only had an hour to chop down a tree... I'd spend 45 mins sharpening the axe.

Message posted by RainMan on March-03-2005 at 3:18pm
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phoenixrising, thanks for your reply but that doesn't explain why I beleive that easypano is posting fake adds to make people beleive their software is legit.

Troy ??? yes since easypano has so proudly showed that their software is being used for troy why cann't they link it ? The link doesn't even show any virtual tour. If they want us to beleive they have to show a virtual tour of troy on the Troy legal website.

But I don't think they can show that. Its for your and my best interest to know the truth. Believe me our interests are common.

Wishing you well too

It is obvious

Message posted by RainMan on March-03-2005 at 3:19pm
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I don't want to debate easypano I just want them to proof what they say. Just prove it!
thanks again

It is obvious

Message posted by RainMan on March-03-2005 at 3:28pm
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With all respect to the great support of easypano, and while waiting for their links to the sites I mentioned, I feel they might delete this thread so if this gets deleted don't be surprised.

It is obvious

Message posted by phoenixrising on March-04-2005 at 4:22am
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Hi Rainman... If I follow the link that Easypano posted to Troy you'll see that the company that did some of the Rendering work for Try states that they used Easypanos PW. It doen't mention virtual tours... then again... stiched images are not just used for Tours... which is what is mentioned and stated in the article.

As far as the FBI is concerned... well I doubt that the FBI is willing to allow any images they shoot to be used for reference work. Therefore proof won't be forthcoming. Then again... I'd imagine that the FBI would probably lean on Easypano if they were to claim something thats not quite the truth.

I can understand where ur coming from... At the end of the day however, you need to decide if you want to use the software which works well and is effective. You want to ask yourself if Realtor.com who, as far as I understand it had a "only Ip*x images" agreement, would be willing to let Easypanos products be used on their site. This, if not legal, would surly reflect badly on their product. Furthermore, TW doesn't infringe on anything as far as I'm aware. I believe the debate centers around the stiching of 2 hemispheres. Stich 3 and that problem, if it is one, is solved. If unsure about that... well stich ur panos using something else and decide if TW is for u or not.

For me it works and is a good product range.. and thats from somebody who was also concerned about the legalities and having researched the issue found my perceived risk to be minimal.

PS. I'm not in anyway affiliated to Easypano... I'm just a satisfied user who has a product that works and couldn't care less if they declared they flew to the moon to take panos or not. ;-) 


If I only had an hour to chop down a tree... I'd spend 45 mins sharpening the axe.

Message posted by RainMan on March-04-2005 at 4:35am
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Hello phoenixrising, I went to uspatent website and many links before I came through here. 2,3,4,5 stitches it doesn't matter. Call iPix ok ? Just call and ask if it infringes the patent 2,3,4 or whatever. I also read a message on this forum maybe a year or more back. It says that iPix claims that its the method of stitching images that they have the patent for and I think someone asked them before on the phone and they said that the patent the method of stitching etc.

Which means and sadly that since tourweaver and panowaver uses these methods then they both infringe.

I have nothing to do with ipix and I like tourweaver better becuase of the tours that show direction. I just want to make sure its legal if I use it.

Why would the all those important companies mentioned in the first page want to hide their virtual tours from people ? The tour is meant to attract customers or visitors or as a display. Which means that they would like to show it if they have it. It doesn't make sense to me that would make the tour then hide it from people.

It is obvious

Message posted by Neo X on March-04-2005 at 5:53am
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You know so much about ip*x while so little about Easypano. My question is why you not buy ip*x but come to Easypano???   Don't tell me you just want to make sure Easypano software is legal. Every body can see you don't believe Easypano software at all and even try to persuade others to believe Easypano is illegal.

I guess it may disappoint you  the fact that Tourweaver has nothing to with so called 'ip*x patent'. It is not even a panorama stitching software, which means has nothing to do with fisheye. It's funny to insist on your idea without knowing this.



Message posted by Room101 on March-04-2005 at 6:00am
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Hi rainman, i can see your possible worries about panoweaver but your statement,

"Which means and sadly that since tourweaver and panowaver uses these methods then they both infringe"

is slightly wrong Tourweaver does not stitch the photographs together therefore i dont think it can infringe on iPix patent. its a viewer and used for delivery purposes only.


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