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Message posted by easypano on August-24-2012 at 6:45am
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Dear All,

Both Panoweaver 8 and Tourweaer 6.5/7 have been updated, resolving the tour displaying issue the latest Chrome 21.0.1180.83.

It's strongly recommended that all the users update the program. You can download the new installers and replace the existing ones on your computers: http://www.easypano.com/free-trial.html

Please be aware that all the installers of Tourweaverand Panoweaver listed on Easypano Download Center are the latest ones updated today.



The Virual Tour Way

Message posted by gyrapix on August-24-2012 at 7:03am
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does this mean that all tours have to be re published. or is there just one file that needs updating in existing tours?

Message posted by Charlie on August-24-2012 at 10:57am
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There is a problem... I get to the "installing" part where it's extracting the files and an error pops up...


C:\Program Files (x86)\Easypano\Tourweaver 7.00 Professional Edition\avcodec.dll

An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

I have tried all options - I can't get the update to work!!!

On kind of the same note... I have another question... it seems as though Tourweaver 6.5 has much fewer issues than 7.00 - with flash in particular.  Would I be better off switching back to 6.5?  And if so  - how do I do this???

Thank you for any help you can offer - anyone!!!

Message posted by selfmade648562 on August-26-2012 at 5:39pm
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EASYPANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU READING OUR MESSAGES????????????????????


You guys NEED (it's not a question of IF you should) to create some type of fix for the older tours that have already been created and are already live on our customer's websites. If you can't, then say so.

As glitchy as your releases have been over the past two years I can only imagine the issues we are going to have to go through in order to update all of our tours with these new releases.

If we HAVE to republish all of our tours because this is the only way out for us and you cannot create a patch, then the least you can do is answer our questions about whether or not we need to republish.

Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.

Message posted by selfmade648562 on August-26-2012 at 8:26pm
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@ Charlie

I would suggest going back to 6.5. TW 7 just plain sucks. They loaded it with features but didn't think twice about usability, and it shows.

If you want to go back to TW 6.5 I think that you will need to transfer the license from the TW 7 aqpplication.

To do that you need to open the TW7, go to

1. once it fully opens go to the help tab on the top left/right.
2. click on "transfer license.

You will then need to copy the license info from TW7 and when activating the newly installed TW 6.5 copy the info into the appropriate place.

Doesn't surprise me one bit the doing a search for "Transfer License" here on the TW forums doesn't even bring up one post on how to do it.

Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.

Message posted by Jack Easypano on August-26-2012 at 11:19pm
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Jack Easypano
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Dear Easypano Friends,

I am sorry for all the inconvenience caused by compatibility with updated Chrome. Althrough it is somewhat inevitable, we should forsee that and take some measures to avoid the trouble.

Some users mentioned about published tours, it is unnecessary to republish all of them, but you do need to replace some players in published files saved locally or uploaded onto server.

      After you update your installer to the latest, right Click the icon of Tourweaver, and select "open file location" in the menu.You will find all the players above in resource folder. The same player can be found in your published file. Please replace the player in your published file with that in your installer. Then thepublished tours can be viewed in Chrome.

By the way, it is unnecessary to copy and paste all the players into your published files, please select what you need according to thenote on the pictures.

Message posted by rs360vt on August-27-2012 at 3:45am
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Can anyone tell me where I can download the updated TWViewer.swf file..... the above image are not down loadable.

I now have in excess of 1000 tours hat need updating, and I am not a happy bunny......


R Scutt

Message posted by smooth on August-27-2012 at 3:54am
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All the relevant files come with the download of the current release of TW 7.0.120824

If you are running TW 7.0 Pro you need to swap out (3) files


If your tours are not running Google or Bing maps you only need to swap out TWViewer.swf

Regards, Smooth

Message posted by rs360vt on August-27-2012 at 4:04am
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Hi James,

Last time this happened, the TWViewer file was made available for a quick swap out....

I dont use the Bing or Google Map function, so just the TWViewer is needed.

I run TW3Pro and that too has been affected. Has that been updated as well?

This is a real pain.


R Scutt

Message posted by rs360vt on August-27-2012 at 5:22am
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Just noticed TW6.5 also affected.

Do I need different twviewer.swf files for each version, or will the same one do for both?


R Scutt

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