Panorama2Flash System Requirements
OS Platform of Panorama2Flash
Panorama2Flash 1.00 supports both Windows and Macintosh.
To use Panorama2Flash 1.00 in Windows, you need:
Operating system
- Microsoft Windows Me/ 2K/ XP / Vista / 7
Computer Hardware
- PIII800MHz or faster processor
- 512M RAM or more
- Network interface card or modem must be installed
- Video display of 800*600 pixels or higher with 256 colors
- Sun JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.6 or later version
To use Panoram2Flash in Macintosh, you need:
Operating System:
- Macintosh OSX 10.4 and OSX 10.5 with PowerPC CPU
Computer Hardware:
- PowerPC G3-500MHz or faster processor
- 512M RAM or more
- Network interface card or modem must be installed
- Display resolution of 800*600 or higher, 1024*768 recommended; 16-bit color or higher supported
- JRE 1.5 or higher version in order to run Panorama2Flash properly.
- To view panorama, Flash Player 9.0 or later versions is necessary.
To view flash panoramas in Windows/Macintosh, you need:
Computer Hardware
- PIII400MHz or faster processor in Windows / G3-400MHz or faster processor in Macintosh
- 128M RAM or more
- Video display of 800*600 pixels or higher with 256 colors
Operating system
- Windows 98 Se/ Me/ 2K/ XP / Vista / 7 or Mac OSX10.2 and later
- Microsoft IE5.0, Netscape Navigator 7.0 or later version, Firefox 1.0 or later version in Windows / Microsoft IE5.0, Netscape Navigator 5.0 or later version, Firefox 1.0 or later version in Macintosh
- To view Flash panoramas created with Panorama2Flash 1.00, Flash Player 9.0 is needed.