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Tourweaver Mac Starter
Tourweaver Mac Starter is
virtual tour software that runs on Macintosh system. Tourweaver has always
been powerful in creating virtual tours, well known for its user-friendly GUI and
fully customization of virtual tours. Tourweaver Mac Starter is the first version
of Tourweaver that supports Mac OS.
The interface of Tourweaver Mac Starter is similar with that of Tourweaver 5 for
Windows, but features are not totally the same with 5 version. If you've tried Tourweaver
5 before and familiar with its features, check this
comparison table first to see the main differences.
Free upgrade to Tourweaver 7 Mac.
Scenes and Maps
All types of panoramas and still images are supported.
Spherical, cylindrical, partial panorama and one shot panorama
Multiple maps can be added.
Locate your panoramas on Google Map NEW!.
Loading Window customization
Apply swf progress bar and preloading image to virtual tour.
Free loading progress bar can be downloaded from our website
and applied to your virtual tour. You can also design your own progress bar.
Control and selection tool
Apply Button & Flash Thumbnail (New)
to virtual tour and add actions to buttons to achieve various effects.Multiple
actions can be added to a single button, and you can use different images for the
three states of button. Flash Thumbnail is used to show the thumbnails of each scene,
and you can also customize its appearance.
Popup Window
Display virtual tour components in a popup window.
Popup window helps to make virtual tour more interactive.
You can place any of the tour components (SceneViewer excluded) on popup window,
and place a button on MainWindow to trigger the popup.
Description components
Use Text, Image and TextArea to show information.
TextArea can show description for each scene, map, movie
and component hint.
Text and Image can trigger various actions, just like
button and hotspot.
Virtual tour formats
-Flash VR which is easily inserted in your webpage.
-Standalone exe can be burned to CD and sent to your clients.
-Swf virtual tours can be integrated with your Flash projects.
-HTML5 virtual tour for iPhone/iPad
Media components
Flash and Video can be used to show rich content.
Flash (*.swf) and Video (*.flv) can
be added to virtual tour skin (on MainWindow), popup window and scene image.
Hotspot and Radar
Hotspot can be added to scene, map and Google map. Actions
of the hotspots to go to another scene and etc. Radar
can indicate the location of the scene on map, which can show the position of the
scene currently being played.
Customized skin template
You can create your own virtual tour template and save it for later use. A skin
template contains SceneViewer and other components like mapviewer, buttons, images
and etc. All skins will be stored under Skin list within Tourweaver, which can easily
be applied by double clicking.
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is the most complete panorama stitching software and virtual tour building software
kit in the market.
Panoweaver 8
Panoramic photo stitching software for creating 360 Flash panoramas from any type
of photo.