panorama software,virtual tour software

Panowalker 2.00 Official Version is Released!

As the latest virtual tour solution from Easypano, Panowalker 2 creates realistic walkthrough virtual tours with multiple paths, hotspot, etc.. You can really "walk" in the virtual tours by Panowalker and stop at any point to look around 360 degree.

park virtual tour

New Features:
*Support multiple paths;

*Support adding hotspot (Link to Panorama, Popup Image, URL);
*Publish to the local, full screen of player is supported;
*Publish Flash virtual tours with walkthrough effect (Support the transition effect Everyscape when scenes switch);
*Support the background music as .mp3;

Download Panowalker 2.00

Price: $1600/€1500   Order Panowalker 2 Now!

Upgrade Policy
You can upgrade to the latest version 2 from Panowalker previous versions. Login User Panel to check upgrade price. 

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