Panoweaver7.4 and Tourweaver6.5 both for Mac and Windows have been optimized ,please download and upgrate !
Dear all Panoweaver7-7.4 and Tourweaver6-6.5 users:
Easypano has updated all the installers of Panoweaver7.4 and Tourweaver6.5 both for Windows and Macintosh .We have optimized all editions' program structures which includes Batch Edition,Professional Edition,Standard Edition of Panoweaver and Tourweaver.
It is strongly recommended that you re-install Panoweaver and Tourweaver again for better experience Of Easypano products.
Do not worry about serial number problem.You just download the installers from our Download center and simply replace the former program files for free.Please save your project before you replace the former program.
Make sure you download the right edition .
Download center: