panorama software,virtual tour software
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Joined: 2003-01-16
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German translation

I've just finished translating the Virtual Tour EXE into German for Easypano. This should enable all German users of this product to produce EXE files in German for their customers who don't speak English. i intend to make virtual tour CD's for various firms and their customers should be able to enjoy the product in their home tongue. Especially as many older Germans dislike the angelification of their language.
Just a matter of time before the Easypano guys add this update to this great product.

So habt Ihr auch eine Deutsche Gebrauchsanweisung.
If I only had an hour to chop down a tree... I'd spend 45 mins sharpening the axe.
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Joined: 2006-08-03
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Hallo phoenixrising,

toll, dass sich jemand an die deutsche bersetzung gemacht hat. Das Programm ist wirklich klasse, doch es hat auch noch so seine Bugs. Wo kann man sich die deutsche Anleitung ansehen? Unsere Mailadresse ist:

Wre klasse mal von euch zu hren.

Danke erst einmal

Henning Marx




Henning Marx
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Joined: 2002-11-23
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2003 - 2007

Regards, Smooth