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Image Size - comment transfer

Comment relocated to Tourweaver Thread - by 360Texas


Good day


I recently started using tourweaver, I found that any images that I use Distorted

Pretty bad. It took me awhile I think I know why.  I. Using the Oneshot360

From Remote Reality.  Most pano,s are 360x180, but the oneshot image is 360x115

I’m sure that’s what is causing the distortion.  Does anybody have any ideas to correct this problem. The image is just fine in panoviewer, the viewer that came with it. But not

any other viewer.  I Tried increasing the canvas size in Photoshop by 33.3%.  This seamed to help a little but not much, and now I have a large black area at the top of the pano.  


Thanks for Your time, I would appreciate any suggestions.


Please reply to: GIDGET

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EasyPano - Panoweaver

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I want to know whether the oneshot image is a cylindrical panorama. I increased the canvas size to a 2:1 image, And imported it into tourweaver as a spherical panorama. When I published, I found it was fine in the viewer like ptviewer. So I think the oneshot image is spherical one.

Easypano Observer
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Yes, I also increase the size to 2:1. You can simply increase the canvas in Photoshop. Works fine with pics from the Kaidan 360 One
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I use the 0-360 one shot lens with a nikon 5700 and it works pretty good with Tourweaver,  I have a couple tours here:


nitro44 One-Shot Panoramas!

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I'm also experiencing distortion of the remote reality image.  I'm considering purchasing this product - most all of the features appear to be exactly what I need - but this distortion is holding me back.

If there is a workaround - photoshop or otherwise, I'm all ears.

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hi, nitro44

The reason that your image do not distort is that you view it in ptviewer. And ptviewer handle it as a spherical panorama.

Easypano Observer
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Tourweaver can support the spherical panoramas,cylindrical panoramas and still image. We are not sure whether Tourweaver can totally support the image with 115 degree. Could you please offer us such an image for testing and development?

Your feedbacks have been submitted to our Develop Department and will be taken into serious consideration.

Thanks for your comments and help!


Easypano Support

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Yes it's true. I had the same problem with the same lens.

I haven't found any solution except buying the belissimo lens, with the perfect field of view for ptviewer...
You can use the pmViewer applet
 of Duckware technology with your panosmart lens. It's not perfect but not too bad.
The zoom player works perfectly well but it's not customisable with your logo and so on...

good luck