Panorama Software - Panoweaver 8 What's new
Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Easypano Holdings Inc.
[ Legend: ]
[ + Added feature ]
[ - Bug fixed]
[ * Improved/changed feature ]
Easypano Panoweaver 8.60, August 23, 2013
[*]Simplify the Batch Processing operation
[-]Address the viewing problem of Help document in some cases
[-]Address the problem of memory leak in publishing SWF and QTVR virtual tours
[-]Fix the link error in Check for Update window
Easypano Panoweaver 8.60, July 19, 2013
[-] Resolve image optimizing problems by improving image optimization algorithm in Stitching process.
[*] Add Batch Processing Shortcut in Start Menu and Desktop.
[*] Optimize Check for Update feature in Help Menu.
Easypano Panoweaver 8.60, May 31, 2013
[+]Abundant advanced features are added in the brand new Panoweaver 8.60 Standard edition; you can check the latest Panoweaver 8 Edition Comparison chart to learn more
[+]Support batch stitching of 300 groups of images in Panoweaver Professional edition
[+]User can customize image output size and format in Batch Cubic/Spherical Conversion panel (pro only)
[*]Optimize the operation in Viewer Parameters panel; the parameters can be adjusted through slider.
[-]Resolve the crash problem which often happened before 30% of image stitching
[-]Address the problem in publishing Flash tour in Windows 8
[-]Address the crash problem caused by rotating images after Masking
[-]Address the publishing issue of some 1:6 panoramas
[-]Address the centering issue of some panoramas
[-]Address the compatible issue of project files (project files can be opened in previous and the latest Panoweaver).
[-]Parameters setting of Raw files can be saved in project file.
Easypano Panoweaver 8.50, May 03, 2013
Builder:8.50.130503 Download
[+]Support Gyro effect
[+]HTML 5 virtual tour can be viewed on IE10 and Chrome21 or later version
[+]Resume auto rotation after pausing for a few seconds in Flash VR
[*]Optimized algorithm for supporting NEX or Raynox lens
[*]Hotspot hidden under little planet mode in Flash VR
[*]Updated Raw file library
[*]Modified create new project of batching processing
[-]Addressed rotating consistency issue of Flash VR and HTML 5 VR.
[-]Addressed the problem of sporadically missing button for adding hotspot.
[-]Addressed the problem of importing bmp or png panoramic image.
[-]Addressed the error in saving the rotation information of source images.
[-]Fixed the bug of hidden action in Flashbar.
Easypano Panoweaver 8.40, Feb 22, 2013
[-]Panorama stitched with this panorama software will not be jagged.
[-]Rosolve the issue of showing white line in QTVR when published on some Mac machines.
[*]The quality of Jpeg format output is highly improved due to less loss of pixels.
Easypano Panoweaver 8.30, Jan 07, 2013
[+] Playback loop is supported when partial panorama is published.
[+] The scene will rotate automatically after a short pause if it is clicked.
[-] Initial rotation speed would keep the same as the speed after clicking toolbar buttons.
[-] Fix the issue of failing to save GPS data of source image when stitched into panorama.
[*] The gyro effect is optimized so that visual effect on iPad or iPhone is much better.
[+] Panoweaver8 Batch edition is released.
[-] HTML5 can be published in Panoweaver8 Batch edition.
[-] Address the issue of generating wrong thumbnail in Batch edition.
[-] Address the problem of generating black lines when stitching drum fisheye images with Batch edition.
[-] Fix the problem of different outputs when stitching with Professional edition and Batch edition.
[*] When the ceiling and floor images are covered in source images, the output is much better in this batch edition.
Easypano Panoweaver 8, Nov 08, 2012
[-]Addresses the problem of not saving the new settings in Publish Settings window.
[*]Fixes the issue of removing the properties of hotspot.
[+]Gyroscopic feature has been added for viewing the panorama on iPad/iPhone
Easypano Panoweaver 8, Sep 29, 2012
[-] Resolved the running issues on 64 bit system.
[*] Updated the window of About for HDR feature.
[-] Addressed the stitching failure using the imported project.
Easypano Panoweaver 8, Sep 14, 2012
[+] Panoweaver 8 Supports Mac OS X
[-] Address blank screen fault of Flash player in Chrome browser (11.3.31 or later version) when switching between full screen/normal.
[*] Optimized program file path which avoids the file written error caused by low-privileged access.
[-] Address the problem of deleting user customized points.
Easypano Panoweaver 8, Aug 24, 2012
[-]Resolved the tour playing issue on Chrome 21.0.1180.83
Easypano Panoweaver 8, Jul 11, 2012
[-]Resolved the crash issue when stitching, publishing or saving the panorama.
[*] Optimized the size settings for stitching.
[-]Resolved the problem of size loss in preview.
[-]Addressed the displaying issue of large resolution panorama.
[-] Addressed the viewing problem in Chrome.
[-] Fixed the malfunction of Delete Matching Points in Manual Stitching Mode.
Easypano Panoweaver 8, Mar 31, 2012
Builder: 8.00.120331
[+]Bing Map is supported.
Easypano Panoweaver 8 is released officially, Feb 23, 2012
Builder: 8.00.120222
[-]Address the displaying problem of Google map JavaScript API upgrading.
[-]Address the publish problem of SWF panorama.
[-]Address the centering problem of popup image in HTML 5 tour.
[-]Address the panorama saving problem in Japanese version.
[-]Address the crashing problem of stitching 16 bit panoramic image after rotating the source images.
[*]Google map is supported in SWF panorama.
[*]Optimize the hotspot editing window.
Easypano Panoweaver 8 Beta for Windows, Jan 13, 2012
Builder: 8.00.120113
[-]Address the crash problem of using Smartblend.
[-]Address the slice problem of Flash VR.
[-]Address the inconsistence problem of pubished/saved result again designed one.
Easypano Panoweaver 8 Beta for Windows, Jan 06, 2012
Builder: 8.00.120106
Added features:
[+]Mask is possible with this version.
[+]Conversion from spherical panorama to stereographic panorama (Little Planet Effect).
[+]Share your panorama to Facebook directly from within the program.
[+]Mini stereographic picture for bottom/ceiling.
[+]Longtitude, latitude and compass info of panorama can be written into its EXIF.
[+]Switch by Right Click menu between normal and little planet effect in Flash and SWF tour.
[+]Initial Little Planet effect for Flash and SWF tour.
[+]Percentage settings for viewer size is available.
[+]Initial auto play for HTML 5 tour.
[+]Customizable resolution for printing your panorama.
[+]Size settings for iPad.
Improved/Changed features:
[*]Optimized the projection effect of cylindrical panorama and resolved the problems of projection centralizing and border over cropped.
[*]Optimized the stitching effect of drum image and resolved the problem of black seam.
[*]Optimized the stitching process.
[*]Ripple problem around ceiling/floor has been resolved.
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Easypano Holdings Inc.
[ Legend: ]
[ + Added feature ]
[ - Bug fixed]
[ * Improved/changed feature]