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Panorama Software - Panoweaver Panorama Photography

Panorama Software-Panoweaver can stitch ANY photos together. According to lens types which are used to take the photos, we divide photos into two types.

Normal Photo: Shot with a digital camera or cellphone.

How to Shoot Normal Photos?

  • view flash panorama gallery
    Equipment: Nikon D200 + 17-55mm lens

Fisheye Photos: There are several types of fisheye photos.

How to Shoot fisheye photos?

  • Full Circular Fisheye Photos: It has a 180° angle of view in all directions.
    panorama photography
    Equipment: Canon 1Ds markII + Sigma 8mm Fisheye lens

  • Drum Fisheye Photos: If you attach DSLR with Focal length multiplier>1 to Sigma 8mm f4 EX fisheye lens, the two margins in the final fisheye images will be cut. We call it drum fisheye Photos derived from its shape.
    panorama photography
    Equipment: Canon 10D + Sigma 8mm Fisheye lens

  • Full Frame Fisheye Photos: It has a 180° angle of view only on the diagonal line.
    panorama photography
    panorama photography
    Equipment: Nikon D70 + 10.5 mm lens (upper shot); Nikon D200 + 10.5 mm lens (lower shot)

  • Wide-angle Photos : Its horizontal field of view should reach 75 °at least.panorama photography
    Equipment: Nikon D50 + 10.5 mm lens
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