panorama software,virtual tour software

How to add a link inside a virtual tour to bring up the google map with the location placed in there?


1. You need to have a Google Maps login ID first, this is free to get from their web site: Google Maps. Keep this internet browser window open for now.
2. Go to TW and add your hotspot (or button, or text - whichever you prefer) to your tour. This can be placed on a cylindrical or still image, or outside the scene window, on your projects main content background.
3. In the bottom of your MainWindow (Properties and Actions) click the Actions tab.
4. With your hotspot active, click: Misc then Link URL.
5. A window appears (Link URL) with two boxes to fill in. Keep this open and we will come back to it.
6. From your internet browser, log in to Google Maps, and mark the location on your map that you want to reference in your TW project.
7. Then at the top right of your map page is a link entitled "Link to this page" - click this.
A window pops up, the first box says "Paste link in email or IM". You will need to copy the contents of this box (the complete http "string") and paste it into the TW Link to URL window "URL" box that we left open a minute ago.
8. The second box (Destination) allows you to link to your new Google Maps location using a method of you choice, "_blank" to launch the map in a new browser window, "_self" to keep the map in the same browser window that you are viewing your tour from. Try them and see which you prefer.
9. Save and test. Don't forget some "hint text" to explain where your link is going to.

For more details about Google map application with Tourweaver, please refer to this thread (applying google map to virtual tour created with Tourweaver).

  google map virtual tour Tourweaver link Link URL hotspot
  How to center my flash virtual tour page? How to center a virtual tour created with Tourweaver on the webpage? 

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