panorama software,virtual tour software

How to cover the tripod cap with your own logo in Panoweaver?


If you want to use your logo to cover the tripod cap, you first should make your logo into a round image. Our designer recommend you to create your image in Photoshop, please set the other part outside the rould logo as transparent. The image must be saved as .gif or .png.

Stitch your images into panoramas with Panoweaver. For Panoweaver 8 and later versions, after stitching, please go to Ceiling / Floor panel on the right part, and choose Floor, click the green arrow or "+" button to add your own logo. Then you will see the round logo is added to the bottom of the panoramic image:

panorama logo

Finally, publish your panorama. When you view your panorama tour, you will see your own logo image on the bottom.

  cover tripod cap Panoweaver your logo view panorama tour
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